By the second half of the year, my brother starts using my next year as my age. So if I was say 36 and a half he would just round up to 37.
He would sometimes give me a hard time for some of my more sophomoric antics and mention my age while doing it. This would go on for about 6 months before my actual birthday.
So people who would hear him think I’m older than I actually am. Someone told me hey your birthday is tomorrow! You’re going to be 38! This was after lunch when I was in the stupor of my food coma, had been hearing 37 for half the year and I thought, “wow time flies.” I remember thinking, “where the hell did the days go?” Then I had to take an incoming call and my mind quickly moved on.
When I woke up the next day with a clear mind, I realized I was actually only 37!
I felt like I now had the opportunity to live the whole year over again! Ah to be young again! It felt like I got a second chance! I got the gift of the scarcest commodity, the one thing no one can make more of, TIME.
Thank you, brother.